These pages carry sizeable lists of the names and titles attached to some of the criminally motivated junk mail you may have received. The lists can never be exhaustive because the scammers invent new identities every day but many of them use the techniques described here.
This page: Money Laundering fraud, see also Lottery winner fraud , Primer on Internet fraud and
Fraudsters haunting dating/matchmaking websites. The fake job offer fraud. The Bank Accounts ...
A rich relative, hitherto unknown, has died in Africa leaving millions of dollars unclaimed. An African "lawyer" wants you to inherit - but you first have to pay fees via Western Union. Yeah ..
Fake money picture often sent by the fraud criminals. These are what they call "trunk boxes". | The criminals will send junk mail using anonymous e-mail addresses they picked up from Yahoo, Hotmail, Myway, Netscape and other mail service providers. They might say that they represent a toppled African dictator, or a bank administering the estate of a rich expatriot who died in a "ghastly accident". Millions of dollars would be released when you forward your bank details along with current address and telephone number. They will say something like "Remember to keep this information top secret". They actually mean to say that they don't want you to mention their approach to the police or the writer! They like to call themselves doctor, barrister, pastor or engineer and often pretend to be women. They write in a laughable cod legal style and love to use words like "modalities" and "fiduciary". N.B. The fraudsters will often include a link to a news website with details of a plane crash or some other tragic event. |
If you were tempted to reply to such mail, you would soon be asked to pay a "processing fee" of several thousand euros or the equivalent in dollars. If you are based in Europe, you might be invited to hand over the money in Amsterdam or pay via an untraceable Western Union service. Your money would be lost, but you would be sure to receive further tempting offers in the future! NB If you tell them you cannot send the fee they require, they might send you a cheque for a larger sum so that you can bank this and then pay them the "handling fee". Given time, you will find that their "cheque" is worthless. They know that it will be a while before your bank gives you the bad news, and they rely on you sending them money before you know the awful truth. TIP: When in doubt, ask your bank for "express clearance" of a cheque (although even this may not guarantee your safety). Oh - and never , ever send money via Western Union, unless to a person you know very well.
A variation on the classic fraud approach (June 2005). The turgid style is typical.
From the Desk of:
Dear Friend,
It is my great pleasure in writing you this letter on behalf of my colleagues. Your particulars were given to me by a member of the South Africa Export Promotion Council (S.E.P.C) (They seem to think that these bracketed initials will impress, and use them often.) who was with the federal government delegation to your country during a trade exhibition. I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution of the deal described hereunder for the benefit of all parties and hope you will keep it as top secret (He does not want you to talk to a friend who might know all about these scams.) because of the nature of this business.
I am ENGR. PAUL MABUZA, (They like to give themselves a title! Engr., Barrister, Pastor, Dr., are favourites.). Director Of Project Implementation, South Africa Department of Minerals & Energy I am making this contact with you, based on the committee's need for an individual/company who is willing to assist us in the execution of this business. Within the Department of Minerals & Energy, where I work as a Director of the Project Implementation and with the good co-operation of four other top officials, we have in our possession as over due payment bills, totaling Twenty One Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$21,500,000) (About average for a fraud e-mail.) Which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance and co-operation of A Foreign Company/individual to receive the said funds on our behalf. More so, we are handicap in these circumstances, as the South African Civil Services code of conduct does not allow us to operate an offshore account. Hence your importance in this transaction.
This amount $21.5Million represents the balance of the total contract value executed on behalf of my ministry by a Foreign Contracting Firm, which we the Officials over invoiced deliberately. Though the actual contract cost has been paid to the original contractor, leaving the balance in the tune of the said amount, which we have in principles gotten approval to remit by Key Tested Telegraphic Transfer (K.T.T)?. to any Foreign Bank Account you will provide by filing an Application through the Ministry Of Justice here in South Africa, for the transfer of rights and privileges of the former contractor to you. (All sounds very straightforward, but once the bait is taken the scam becomes more convoluted and the victim will be asked to send money for "legal fees" or "insurance" to a newly introduced fictitious firm. This is the advance fee, hence "the Advance Fee Scam". Western Union will be the criminal's money transfer agency of choice.
I have the Authority of my partners involved to propose that you should be willing to assist us in this transaction, your share of the sum is 30% of the $21.5Million, 60% for us and 5% for taxation and miscellaneous expenses and remaining 5% will be for charity organization. The transaction it
self is 100% safe, on your part provided you treats it with utmost secrecy and confidentiality. Also, your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. I have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint me. I want to assure you that my partner and myself are in the position to make the payment of this claim possible, provided that you can give us a very strong assurance and guarantee that the funds will be secured and please, remember to treat this matter very confidential, because we will not comprehend with any form
of exposure as we are still in active Government service. Please, reply me on my confidential email address: (So confidential that he has mailed it to potential victims around the world!) or call / fax your response directly to my. Tel: 27-73-714080 OR Fax No.:27-11-507 6944.
Once again, remember that time is of great essence in this transaction . I wait in anticipation of your fullest co-operation.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Yours Faithfully, ENGR. PAUL MABUZA
There follow some of the false names and titles which have appeared in recent fraud mails. These are listed in date order, recent scam examples will be near the top.
DR. PETER McWEALTH, WORLD FUND DISCOVERY MANAGEMENT AND PAYMENT BUREAU, Ned Trust Inc., Spain, Adrian Muskan, rachel dominic <>. Dr Mayan Joe, International Audit unit, United Nations Liaison Office Central London U.K (host: Yahoo). DR.TED MOORE International Audit unit, United Nations Liaison Office London: (host:, eNom) .
Orbin Legal Firm, Madrid, Spain Abdulhalim Ushah, Affinbank Malaysia. Prime Banco Popular, Mr. Massel soul, Dr. Pascal Guei PASSY, ABIDJAN BITO HAIRNCHI aka Barrister John Mensah,
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